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BOG Governance Rule 1.9 – President and Staff Emeritus Status

BOG Governance Rule 1.9 – President and Staff Emeritus Status
Responsible Unit:  Office of the President; Talent and Culture
Amended: [TBD]
Adopted:  January 24, 2018
Effective:  February 13, 2018
Review Date:  April 2023

    1. West Virginia University, including West Virginia University Institute of Technology, and West Virginia University Potomac State College (collectively the “University”), may recognize former University Presidents and Staff who have honorably served the University by awarding the individual the honorary designation of Emeritus.
    2. Contractual designations of Emeritus that are limited in term are not bound by the provisions within this Rule. Rather, those are determined by the contractual terms as approved by the President or the Board of Governors.
    3. Awarding Emeritus status for Faculty is covered by a separate Board of Governors Faculty Rule. This Rule is only applicable to retired University Presidents and Staff.

    1. Requirements.
      1. A President or Staff is eligible to be awarded Emeritus status if the individual has:
        1. Made meritorious contributions to the University;
        2. Retired within the last one year; and
        3. Been employed by the University for a minimum of 15 years. Provided however, that a President need have been employed by the University for a minimum of 5 years.
    2. Procedures.
      1. The award of President Emeritus rests solely with the Board of Governors. Should the Board determine that a President should be awarded Emeritus status, the Board may do so with the adoption of an appropriate Board Resolution or through a contractual arrangement approved by the Board.
      2. The award of Emeritus status to any Classified Employee shall be initiated and initially vetted through a procedure developed by a Classified Staff Council. However, the award of Emeritus status to any classified employee is subject to final review and approval by the President.
      3. The award of Emeritus status to any Non-Classified Employee shall be initiated and initially vetted by that individual’s unit or by the President, in accordance with a procedure developed by the President. However, the award of Emeritus status to any Non-Classified Employee is subject to final review and approval by the President.
      4. The Board of Governors maintains the ability to revoke an Emeritus designation given to any former President in the event of unusual and compelling circumstances. The President maintains the ability to revoke an Emeritus designation given to any former Staff in the event of unusual and compelling circumstances.
    3. Privileges.
      1. Presidents and Staff awarded Emeritus status shall retain their last University title, with the term “Emeritus” following the rank and title.
      2. Emeritus Presidents and Staff shall have the same privileges granted to other retired University employees, including library privileges and access to athletic events. Emeritus Presidents and Staff may enjoy other individualized privileges as specifically granted to them by the Board of Governors or the President.

    1. “Classified Employee” means a regular full-time or regular part-time employee as defined in Board of Governors Talent & Culture Rule 3.1.
    2. “Faculty” means all faculty classifications as defined in current BOG Policy 2 (or successor BOG Rule).
    3. “Meritorious Contributions” means contributions to the University and its mission that are highly exceptional and unusually outstanding and which are beyond or outside of the individual’s job responsibilities and performance standards.
    4. “Non-Classified Employee” means a non-faculty regular employee of the University as defined in Board of Governors Talent & Culture Rule 3.1.
    5. “President” means the President of West Virginia University or his or her designee.
    6. “Staff” means Classified or Non-Classified Employees.

    1. The Board of Governors delegates to the President the authority to adopt additional internal policies and procedures to effectuate the implementation of this Board of Governors Rule. Any actions taken pursuant to this delegation must be consistent with the guidelines provided by this Rule.

    1. W. Va. Code § 18B-1-6, § 18B-2A-4.

    1. This Rule supersedes and replaces Higher Education Policy Commission (HEPC) Series 9, Section 6.1, and any other Rule of HEPC which relates to the subject matter contained within this Rule. This Rule also supersedes Board of Governors Policy 38, which was adopted on June 2, 2006, as it relates to Presidential and Administrator Emeritus Status. It does not supersede Board of Governors Policy 38 as it relates to Faculty, which is still applicable. This Rule supersedes any internal policy or procedure which relates to the subject matter contained within this Rule.

Effective: February 13, 2018


  • Final - PDF  PDF icon
  • Repeal - BOG Policy 38. (repeal by BOG, effective February 13, 2018) PDF  PDF icon