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BOG Talent and Culture Rule 3.8 - Performance Management

Talent and Culture
BOG Talent and Culture Rule 3.8 - Performance Management
Responsible Unit:  Talent and Culture
Amended:  September 9, 2022
Effective:  September 30, 2022
Revision History:  Written and adopted as BOG Rule 3.8 on September 8, 2017 (effective September 28, 2017)
Review Date:  September 2027
  1. Purpose & Scope.
    1. The University seeks to foster a high performance culture. Fundamentally, an effective performance management system is an ongoing process that provides clear performance objectives, coaching, feedback and recognition for outstanding work.
    2. This Rule outlines the guiding principles for performance management.
    3. This Rule applies to Classified and Non-Classified Employees of the West Virginia University Board of Governors. All employees, including Faculty who supervise a Classified or Non-Classified Employee, shall follow the provisions of this Rule with regards to such supervision.
  2. Performance Management.
    1. Strategic alignment of the workforce with our mission, vision, and values is critical to the continued growth and success of the University. Performance management will be used to ensure strategic alignment and also support Classified and Non-Classified Employees as they work to achieve their fullest potential.
    2. The Vice President for Talent and Culture shall develop a performance management plan for Employees that accomplishes the following objectives:
      • Provide a fair assessment of job performance;
      • Provide counseling regarding development opportunities or areas of needed improvement;
      • Provide a basis for compensation decisions;
      • Serve as a factor for reduction in force decisions; and
      • Support and provide documentation for personnel actions.
    3. Supervisors shall undertake performance management in a manner that is consistent and objective, and should not reflect personal prejudice, bias, or favoritism.
    4. Each Classified Employee hired by the University shall serve an initial probationary period of six months. At the end of the probationary period, the Classified Employee’s supervisor shall provide a written evaluation to the Classified Employee based on the performance standards or goals established by the supervisor for the position. The supervisor shall meet with the Classified Employee and explain the contents of the evaluation and whether the Classified Employee is being offered regular employment.
    5. At the end of the first six months of employment, each supervisor of a Non-Classified Employee hired by the University shall provide a written evaluation based on the performance standards or goals established by the supervisor for the position. The supervisor shall meet with the Non-Classified Employee and explain the contents of the evaluation.  
    6. Classified and Non-Classified Employees shall receive a written annual performance review based on the performance standards or annual goals established by the supervisor for the position, during the time period determined by the Unit, and approved by the Vice President for Talent and Culture. Supervisors should also provide regular, informal feedback throughout the year.
      1. Before a performance evaluation is completed, a supervisor shall solicit feedback from the Employee’s prior University supervisor if the Employee has changed supervisors within the current performance evaluation period.
    7. Any employee who supervises one or more Classified or Non-Classified Employees shall complete a training on performance management policies and processes, as required by the Vice President for Talent and Culture. All such supervisors shall also be provided with refresher materials on performance management policies and processes every three years.
      1. Each year the Vice President for Talent and Culture will offer training on performance management policies and processes for newly appointed supervisors prior to completion of the initial performance evaluation process.
  3. Rights of Classified and Non-Classified Employees.
    1. Once the annual written performance review is completed, the supervisor shall meet with the Classified or Non-Classified Employee and explain the contents of the evaluation.
    2. A Classified or Non-Classified Employee shall be given ten business days to respond in writing regarding the results of his or her performance review, if the employee would like to do so. The response shall be delivered to the employee’s supervisor.
      1. Upon receipt, the supervisor will review the employee’s written response and determine if any changes should be made to the performance review.
    3. If a Classified or Non-Classified Employee has a concern, he or she is encouraged to talk to his or her supervisor, next-level supervisor, or Employee Relations. However, the University considers a performance review finalized fifteen business days after it is first delivered by the supervisor.
    4. A Classified or Non-Classified Employee who receives an evaluation of development needed or its equivalent designation shall be placed on a performance improvement plan with defined objectives and timelines for improvement, as determined by the employee’s supervisor. An employee who does not meet the objectives for improvement in accordance with the timeline specified in the improvement plan may be considered for additional personnel action, including termination of employment.  
    5. In accordance with W. Va. Code §6C-2-1, et seq., eligible employees may utilize the West Virginia Public Employee Grievance Procedure to seek resolution for their grievable issues involving performance management.
  4. Definitions.
    1. All defined terms for this Rule are contained within the Definitions Section of Board of Governors Talent & Culture Rule 3.1, unless the text clearly indicates a different meaning.
  5. Delegation.
    1. The Board of Governors delegates to the Vice President of Talent and Culture the ability to adopt internal human resource policies and procedures in order to implement the provisions of this Rule. Any actions taken pursuant to this delegation must be consistent with the guidelines provided by this Rule
    2. To the extent federal and state law is inconsistent with this Rule and it is not possible for the University to comply with all, applicable law will govern. Accordingly, Talent and Culture, with advice from the Office of General Counsel, has the discretion to implement any necessary changes in order to comply with legal obligations.
  6. Authority.
    1. W. Va. Code §18B-1-6, §18B-2A-4, §18B-7-1, §18B-7-13, and §18B-9B-1
  7. Superseding Provisions.
    1. This Rule supersedes and replaces Higher Education Policy Commission (“HEPC”) Series 39 (W. Va. Code R. §§ 133-39-1 to -8), which was approved September 5, 1996, and repealed June 22, 2018; and HEPC Series 53 (W. Va. Code R. §§ 133-53-1 to -17), which was approved May 2, 2013, and repealed March 29, 2019; HEPC Series 55 (W. Va. Code R. §§ 133-55-1 to -27, including Appendix A), which was adopted June 4, 2018, and any other current or subsequent Rule of HEPC which relates to the subject matter contained within this Rule. This Rule also supersedes and replaces any internal University policy or procedure which relates to the subject matter contained within this Rule.
