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Summary of New Proposed Rule

BOG Rule Proposed Action Brief Description of Proposed Rule or Amendments

BOG Governance Rule 1.3 – Presidential Selection, Contracts, and Evaluation

Adopt and Approve

  • This new Rule is proposed to outline guiding principles for the selection, employment, and evaluation of the president by the West Virginia University Board of Governors.
  • Section 2 outlines the presidential search and selection process. The Board shall select a president, and the selection must be approved by a majority vote of the Board.
  • Section 2.2 provides that the Board shall use a committee-led search process except in exigent circumstances. The Board must establish and announce the process and timeline that the search committee will follow.
  • Section 3 outlines the process when there is an immediate vacancy in the president’s position and for the appointment of an interim president.
  • Section 4 provides that the Board’s Chair, in consultation with the full Board, shall negotiate a contract with the individual selected by the Board. The contract and any renewal or termination must be approved by a majority vote of the Board.
  • Section 5 requires that the Board Chair provide the President a written performance evaluation each year in a manner and form determined appropriate by the Chair. Additionally, at a minimum, the Board shall conduct a formal, written performance evaluation of the President at the end of the initial contract period and then in every third year of employment as President thereafter.
  • Section 6 provides that the University’s president shall appoint a campus president to be the administrative head of Potomac State College and WVU Tech.